有趣的 也有点难度的猜图 ···
<DIV class=postTitle> </DIV><DIV class=postText><DIV class=postTitle>图片猜谜,很有趣哦…………Picture Puzzles - very interesting </DIV><DIV class=postText>1 Can you find The Hidden Tiger? (This is a very good puzzle)(你能找出那只躲起来的老虎么?)
2 Can you help find the hidden mate to the deer?(你能帮助雌鹿找到她的伴侣么?)
3 Picture of 10 friends, one of them is hidden, can you find the 10th friend?(图中有十个伙伴,但是有一个躲起来了,你能找出来么?)
4 Can you find the 5 hidden faces?(你能在图中找出5张隐藏的脸么?)
5 Can you find the hidden face?(能找出图中有几张隐藏的脸么?)
6 In this picture of a Old barn, can you find the hidden carriage?(你能在这个旧谷仓中找出一辆隐藏的马车么?)
7 Whats wrong with this fighter plane? Hint: Look at one of the bombs.(你能发现这架战斗机有什么问题么?提示:观察其中一枚炸弹)
8 Can you find the baby in this scenic picture?(你能够在这张风景秀丽的图片中找到一个婴儿么?)
9 Can you point out the mistake in this picture?(能找出这张图片中的错误么?)
10 Can you point out the mistake in this picture?(能指出这张照片中的错误么?)
11 Can you point out the mistake in this picture?(能找出这张图片中的不对么?)
12 Can you point out the mistake in this picture?(能找出这张图片中的不对么?)
13 Can you find the 10 horses?(你能找出10匹骏马么?)
14 Can you find the 5 horses in this picture?(上述图片中有5匹马,你能够找出来么?)
[ 本帖最后由 群魔乱舞 于 2008-10-6 09:21 编辑 ] 有的猜不出来,楼主能不能公布答案啊 第一张看不出来在哪呀~? 還有幾個沒看出來!